In [ ]:
import cfde_submit
import fair_research_login
import globus_sdk
import pytest
from cfde_submit import CONFIG, version, validation, globus_http, bdbag_utils
from unittest.mock import Mock, PropertyMock
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# Maximum output logging!
CONFIG['LOGGING']['handlers']['console']['class'] = 'logging.StreamHandler'
CONFIG['LOGGING']['handlers']['console']['level'] = 'DEBUG'
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def mock_login(monkeypatch):
"""Unit tests should never need to call login() or logout(), as doing so
would use real developer credentials"""
monkeypatch.setattr(fair_research_login.NativeClient, "login", Mock())
monkeypatch.setattr(fair_research_login.NativeClient, "logout", Mock())
return fair_research_login.NativeClient
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def mock_remote_config(monkeypatch):
"""Ensure no actual remote fetching of config stuff is used
For the day you want to test fetching remote configs:
catalog_keys = ["cfde_ep_id",
mock_catalog = {
"prod": "prod",
"staging": "staging",
"dev": "dev"
"FLOWS": {
"prod": {k: f"prod_{k}" for k in catalog_keys},
"staging": {k: f"staging_{k}" for k in catalog_keys},
"dev": {k: f"dev_{k}" for k in catalog_keys},
"MIN_VERSION": version.__version__
for service in mock_catalog["FLOWS"].keys():
mock_catalog["FLOWS"][service]["cfde_ep_path"] = f'/CFDE/data/{service}/'
mock_catalog["FLOWS"][service]["cfde_ep_url"] = f'https://{service}' \
remote_config = PropertyMock(return_value=mock_catalog)
monkeypatch.setattr(cfde_submit.CfdeClient, 'remote_config', remote_config)
return remote_config
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def mock_flows_client(monkeypatch):
"""Ensure there are no calls out to the Globus Automate Client"""
monkeypatch.setattr(cfde_submit.CfdeClient, 'flow_client', PropertyMock())
return cfde_submit.CfdeClient.flow_client
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def mock_gcp_uninstalled(monkeypatch):
"""Mock the state of the user's machine where Globus Connect Personal is
NOT installed. autouse=True due to this being the more likely state of the
user's machine."""
gcp_inst = Mock()
gcp_inst.endpoint_id = None
monkeypatch.setattr(globus_sdk, 'LocalGlobusConnectPersonal', Mock(return_value=gcp_inst))
return gcp_inst
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def mock_gcp_installed(mock_gcp_uninstalled):
mock_gcp_uninstalled.endpoint_id = 'local_gcp_endpoint_id'
return mock_gcp_uninstalled
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def mock_upload(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(globus_http, 'upload', Mock())
return globus_http.upload
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def mock_get_bag(monkeypatch):
"""Simply returns the path passed in, and does no error checking on any local bags"""
def mock_get_bag(bag_path, *args, **kwargs):
return bag_path
monkeypatch.setattr(bdbag_utils, 'get_bag', mock_get_bag)
return bdbag_utils.get_bag
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def mock_validation(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(validation, 'validate_user_submission', Mock())
return validation.validate_user_submission
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def mock_dcc_check(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(cfde_submit.CfdeClient, "valid_dcc", Mock())
return cfde_submit.CfdeClient.valid_dcc
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def logged_out(monkeypatch):
load = Mock(side_effect=fair_research_login.LoadError())
monkeypatch.setattr(fair_research_login.NativeClient, "load_tokens_by_scope", load)
return fair_research_login.NativeClient
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def logged_in(monkeypatch, mock_remote_config):
scopes = [
mock_tokens = {
scope: dict(access_token=f"{scope}_access_token")
for scope in scopes
load = Mock(return_value=mock_tokens)
monkeypatch.setattr(fair_research_login.NativeClient, "load_tokens_by_scope", load)
return fair_research_login.NativeClient
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def mock_globus_api_error(monkeypatch):
class MockGlobusAPIError(Exception):
monkeypatch.setattr(globus_sdk, 'GlobusAPIError', MockGlobusAPIError)
return globus_sdk.GlobusAPIError
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def mock_globus_sdk(monkeypatch):
setattr(globus_sdk.TransferClient, "operation_ls", PropertyMock())
return globus_sdk